Writing Outdoors Essay


It’s 50 plus degrees, the sun’s shining, there’s no snow, and the hot tub is 110 degrees. Out I go. pearching my laptop on the stone edge of the hot tub. I begin to write. How relaxing. Motivating . Out here I feel it doesn’t matter that I live in Michigan, and it’s February. With the bright sunshine and the heat it feels like June. There you go, my perspective is good. I feel good. I can sip my coffee and think about what I want to write about today.

I’m just going to start by saying it’s great out here. Just that quick I’m up in the lounge chair on the deck. It’s refreshing out here. Okay. Maybe for a minute… Back inside by the fire. What a contrast. It’s warm now. More coffee and a nice thick cotton sweater, leg warmers, and Ugly knit boots.

I have to say that getting prepared to write is very much of the game. Though, I must say that I get inspired, and then I write. I don’t wander off and get distracted. I don’t play the “clearing the decks,” game. You know, getting everything done so that you have time to write. Yeah… I know. Anything can get you off track, I just try and go with the feeling. I try and put something out there that people can relate to, when I’m feeling inspired.

I am inspired by nature. I like the out of doors as well as this tranquil setting by the fire. I just like to get away from all of the noise, confusion, and turmoil that lurks in the city. Mind you, I do go to the city for business. I do enjoy some of the musical venues the city has to offer,and I enjoy the theatre, the fashion, and the art. I guess you could say that I like a little bit of two different worlds. But, I will tell you I prefer to write outside: On a blanket while picnicing; At an outdoor cafe; Out by the pool, and anywhere I can take in nature. Where I can be inspired by it all.

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