First Time Parents: Bringing Baby Home From The Hospital

Here Comes Baby – Ready Or Not

If this is your first baby coming home from the hospital, I’m sure you’re experiencing a mixture of emotions; from the impatience and frustration of the anticipated due date to the excitement and anxious reality of actually having a baby in your house, an additional family member.

It’s a life-changing experience. Something you’re never really prepared and ready for – but, you can try to prepare for a baby in “theory” and then deal with the “reality” as it comes.

You’ve read the parenting books, you made a baby checklist, you took the Delivery Room tour and you’ve even made a test run…is there anything you’ve forgotten? Of course there is. Don’t panic. Everything works out as long as you have the desire. Remember, no one is experienced the first time.

Baby Check List

What You Should Already Have At Home Before The Big Day

It’s possible you’ve had a baby shower and have received most of what’s needed as gifts. Perhaps you signed up at a popular baby store and had a register of what’s needed for the upcoming new family arrival. If you’re starting your list, the below items are a nice guideline of what you’ll need. If you’re saving your money and buying items as you can afford them, then this list will also help in budgeting your baby’s needs and buying just what’s essential. Also, your friends who’ve already had babies are more than happy to pass down clothes and items. Actually, they love sharing the baby’s things as they know it’s going to a good cause. In time, you, too, will be passing down the baby essentials to your friends.

Ten Most Important Things When Bringing Home Baby From The Hospital

1. Car Seat (you can’t leave the hospital without one)

2. Crib or Bassinet

3. Tight Fitting Sheets

4. Diapers

5. Swaddles

6. Newborn baby clothes

7. Bathing Supplies

8. Bottles and Formula

9. Breast Pump (if breastfeeding)

10. Baby Monitor

The Baby Monitor

My favorite thing on the baby checklist

The baby monitor is an absolute blessing. It allowed me to indulge with a purpose. The monitor watches and listens to your precious one at all times. As you know, newborns sleep a lot and it’s so comforting to know that you can carry a video and audio monitor around with you while you do your daily activities around the house. What I loved was staring in awe of that little person under the guise of “monitoring” for baby safety. I would watch the little one with love and the disbelief that I actually have a newborn baby in the house.

Digital, Wireless, Night Vision

You can set up the camera at any angle you want and move it around anywhere as much as you desire. The monitor stays with you at all times, you can even clip it onto your shirt or pants. You can step outside into the yard, garden, or even the garage – because you also have sound.

So you don’t have to stand at the baby nursery door, listening for the cries or murmurs. You can SEE and HEAR your baby at all times with complete mobility. Night Vision is absolutely essential.

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