September is Baby Safety Month Essay

Babies are Gifts from God

September is baby safety month and my feelings on that are to always put your child’s needs first. A baby is a gift from God and he has given you stewardship over this human being to nurture and protect. I worked as a Prenatal Care Coordinator part time and witnessed the bond a mom has with her child. As I took on this role I noticed quite a few things that many of these moms were lacking.


This program was geared towards single moms and it offered many resources and benefits that these moms could take advantage of. The first safety concern was where the baby would sleep. Co sleeping death was always a concern because many moms would place their child in their bed because there was no baby bed in the home. The agency I worked for provided resources for moms to receive either a pack n play or a bassinet if they were not able to afford a crib on their own. Baby in a Box is a new resource that was presented at the agency and it includes a few necessities like pampers, onesies, bottles and blankets just to name a few. I have attached a link in this article to show you firsthand how this helps to assist moms who need beds for their babies.

Having a Home

The second safety concern is having a place to call home when it is time to bring your baby home from the hospital. Many of the women with babies lived with someone other than the father and it was usually a friend or family member. Having a place to call home is so important because it gives you a sense of security and protection to know that this is your home. I have had three births and one thing about babies is the innocence they bring into this world. I had the opportunity to be a part of many babies’ lives during my lifetime and when you become a mom, your child is your first priority. I witnessed moms moving from place to place and also not having the money to furnish their home once they moved in.

Well-Being of Mom

The third safety concern is the well-being of the mom. Moms do suffer from depression before and after the birth of their child. It doesn’t matter if you are young, old, married or single there is a small part of you that is feeling a lot of emotions because you have this newborn baby and you are not sure what to do and how to do it. Heidi Murkoff wrote a book called, What to Expect When You’re Expecting. I used this book with all three of my children and it helped me out a lot. There were questions in the book that I was embarrassed to ask anyone and the answers are reliable and realistic. Being a parent does not come with instructions you are learning as you go. I encourage moms to reach out if they are feeling depressed or lonely or just confused on what they should be doing and how to raise their child.

It doesn’t make you less of a parent if you have questions on how to raise your child (ren) it makes you human and realistic. Many of the moms also were single and the father of their baby was not in their life. As a single mom I know firsthand how scary it can be when the father of your baby is not around. This can also cost anxiety, fear and depression about raising the child alone. I don’t believe that any woman sets out to raise her child alone and when this happens it can be very embarrassing. I want to encourage moms that if you are alone raising your child do not be discouraged and that everything is going to be ok. The support of family and friends is important so surround yourself with people who want what is best for you and your child (ren).

As I look back over my life and how blessed I have been to have family and friends to support me and that is what I wanted to bring to my role as Prenatal Care Coordinator. I also noticed while working there that many women have never had a baby shower. A baby shower is the welcoming of a gift from God and every woman should experience that whether it’s big or small or whether it’s their first baby or their fifth baby. This is something I will adding to my bucket list. At the end of the day a baby is a gift from God and all babies deserve a safe environment to live in.

Danielle Hall

Danielle Hall lives in Milwaukee WI and is the proud mom of three beautiful children one daughter who is the oldest and two sons. Danielle hobbies include reading, writing, spending time with family and being active in her church ministry. Danielle has obtained a Master’s of Science Degree from Concordia University in Organizational Leadership and Administration May 2016. Danielle also attended The Institute of Children’s Literature located in West Redding CT to obtain a diploma in Writing for Teenagers and Children in July 22, 2013. Danielle shared in the publishing of a book with 19 other authors called, Flowing from the Heart of God a 365 day of God’s Inspired Readings. This book was published July 28, 2013. Danielle has 20 plus years of corporate experience in the workplace and her goal is to become a best-selling author.

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