Strength Comes From Family Essay

Your Family, no matter how many times you have disappointed each other, is still the beginning source of your strength.

All those previous battles between you and your kin or brothers and sisters should never take precedent over the love that the family must maintain in order to keep the strength flowing throughout the family.

No matter which family member is labeled dysfunctional or doesn’t respond to the call of responsibility, you must never bury them in your mind.

“You are your Brother’s/ Sister’s Keeper…

We would do well if we learned the Ways of the Tree.

For as the Roots hold the tree together, so must the family members learn to hold each other together, in times of crisis, in times of personal needs…

If Love is truly in your Heart, find a way to heal the wounds that may be keeping Your Family apart.

“You are your Brother’s/ Sister’s Keeper.”

You can substitute them, deny their existence, pretend you are not related to some of them knowing very well that the fruits are always connected to the roots.

Family is a Source of Power… Someone has to take a stand, someone has to lead and stop the bleeding of the Family Tree.

Will You be the One to make that call? Will you be the one to stop finding fault in each other and take a stand for the preservation of the family?

When the Blood calls do you hear with your heart? Do you respond? or do you yawn?

Don’t wait for Death to send out another invitation for a Family Reunion…

Family…How is Yours Doing?

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